Luis F. Aleman
LFA Holdings, Inc.
About Luis F. Aleman
LFA Holdings, Inc.
Luis F. Aleman is the CEO of LFA Holdings, Inc. Here he helps businesses from startups to middle-market companies in both the public and private sector increase their footprint and find success in foreign markets. Their goal is to ensure all efforts — both marketing and development — remain laser-focused on moves that will result in a significant return on investment.
Ethiopian Wild Coffee
At Ethiopian Wild Coffee, Luis F. Aleman serves as the Managing Director for the importing & exporting business. EWC collaborates with several Ethiopian farming cooperatives to harvest the beans for their "Mother of All Arabica Coffees" from the protected rainforest. EWC is entering the import and export industry with their flagship product: Wild Forest Grown Coffee, the purest version of the world's highest rated coffee.
- The BlogsCommunity, Economics, and Professional Overview25 de diciembre de 2020Civic engagement is the act of positively impacting our neighborhoods and communities by combining skills, values, motivation, and knowledge to bring about change. Civic engagement includes informal and formal activities like voting and lobbying for politicians, volunteering, or communicating...25 de diciembre de 2020Workplace culture used to be much different regarding the employee-boss dynamic. The status quo dictated that people should be grateful for employment and willing to ignore abuse levels to keep their jobs. Legal advice was often given to do whatever the boss said. If bosses instructed workers to...25 de diciembre de 2020After every recession, there is a period of economic recovery that aims to renew everyone’s interest in businesses. Workers are rehired, businesses reopen, and people return to their standard methods of spending. The rally is the rebuilding stage of an economical process. The Effects of a...
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